Saturday, June 17, 2006

Watching "Always Sanchome no Yuhi" again

"Always Sanchome no Yuhi" ALWAYS 三丁目の夕日, the movie that swept 6 Japanese academy awards, was a tear jerker and I like it a lot (not that I like tear jeaker in many cases). I guess I just got attracted to all those Showa period japan settings, as it somewhat looks like Hong Kong in the 70's. Looking back also make people treasure all the things that that we took for granted. You can say people were more naive back then, but they did have dreams. Something sorely missing/suppressed in nowadays Hong Kong/Japan. Well, enough mumbling for now. I urge you to pick up the DVD.

Friday, June 16, 2006

Streaming Steve Hawking and multitasking live chat

Steve Hawking is visiting Hong Kong and gave a talked in HK University of Science and Technology. I was watching live stream and chatting with my friend as the same time, commenting and joking. That was actually lot of fun. Reminds me a bit of the live blogging in

Probably, I should do the same with Worldcup, doing live chat and watching it on another window. Only if I can find a partner to watch in on the PC, I guess.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Japanese Canned Coffee Reviews

Surfing along some of my usually vist blogs, came across a site that review Japanese canned coffee.

Used to be the case that my best past time at work was consuming can UCC coffee. Not just for the caffeine, but also the sugar!

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

LoVision World Cup

Originally uploaded by Turtle Power.

The broadcast right of World Cup 06 was bought by Cable TV Hong Kong this year and as usual, I am denied to watch World Cup at home because Cable TV simply denied its service to our apartment building. But this year, I managed to watch it thru Sony's LocationFree streaming from Japan!

But wait! It all comes to the mercy of the internet. And today, I was watching Korea vs Togo in super low resolution (sort of remind me of the GR mode in Apple][).

Monday, June 12, 2006

Brazil ties with Japan in WorldCup! (well... ant's version at least)

An offbeat news from Mainichi Shimbun. They make ants fighting each other by feeding them different different food. Now, I know where are all those discreminations may came from...

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Hello China?

According to a friend of mine, this blog site is inaccessible in China. I wonder if its anything to do with the weather? Its SURELY nothing to do with censorship, pollution, japanese manga or even keywords mentioning homosexual... Or wait, let me google that... :-(